How To Hide Gridlines In Google Sheets

How To Hide Gridlines In Google Sheets

How To Easily Hide Gridlines In Google Sheets

Google Sheets is an incredibly powerful and versatile tool for creating and managing spreadsheets. The gridlines in Google Sheets can be a helpful visual aid to help you see where data is in your spreadsheets, but there are times when you might want to hide them. In this article, we’ll take a look at how to hide gridlines in Google Sheets and provide some helpful tips for working with gridlines.

Understanding Gridlines in Google Sheets

At the most basic level, gridlines are the lines that appear between cells in Google Sheets. They help visually distinguish between cells and can be an invaluable tool for organizing data. Gridlines also help you to select cells and data in a spreadsheet.

Types of Gridlines

Google Sheets has two types of gridlines: horizontal and vertical. Horizontal gridlines appear between each row of a spreadsheet and vertical gridlines appear between each column.

Using Gridlines to Select Data

Gridlines in Google Sheets are particularly helpful when selecting data in a spreadsheet. To select a single cell, simply click on the cell. To select multiple cells, click and drag your cursor across the cells. You can also select an entire row or column by clicking on the row or column number.

Hiding Gridlines in Google Sheets

There are times when you might want to hide gridlines in Google Sheets. Fortunately, this is a relatively simple process. To hide gridlines in Google Sheets, simply go to the “View” menu and select “Gridlines”. This will toggle the gridlines on and off.

Changing Gridline Colors

Google Sheets also gives you the ability to change the color of your gridlines. To do this, go to the “View” menu and select “Gridline color”. This will open a window where you can choose from a variety of colors. You can also choose to make the gridlines transparent if you prefer.

Tips for Working with Gridlines in Google Sheets

Now that we’ve covered the basics of how to hide gridlines in Google Sheets, let’s take a look at some tips for working with gridlines in Google Sheets.

Use Gridlines Sparingly

While gridlines can be a helpful tool for organizing and selecting data in a spreadsheet, it’s important to use them sparingly. Having too many gridlines can make a spreadsheet look cluttered and can be distracting. If you have a lot of data in your spreadsheet, it’s often best to use fewer gridlines.

Consider Alternatives to Gridlines

If you’re looking for an alternative to gridlines, consider using bold or italicized text to delineate between cells. You can also use colors or patterns to help distinguish between cells.

Use Gridlines to Your Advantage

Finally, don’t forget to use gridlines to your advantage. Gridlines can be a helpful tool for organizing data and selecting cells, so make sure to take advantage of them whenever possible.


Gridlines in Google Sheets can be a helpful tool for organizing and selecting data in a spreadsheet. In this article, we’ve taken a look at how to hide gridlines in Google Sheets and provided some helpful tips for working with gridlines. By understanding how gridlines can be used to your advantage and using them sparingly, you can make your spreadsheets look more organized and professional.

How to Hide Grid Lines on a Google Sheets - YouTube
How to Hide Grid Lines on a Google Sheets - YouTube
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